This man looks like an angel. Beware it is a predator!
I found this on the net and I totally agree with Lacanian psychoanalyst's remarks you will find in bold:
"I posted the text" Portrait of a Seducer "on another forum, a psychoanalyst and gave me the answer I reproduce below.
Dutronc Maybe he will want, and time to respond.
confess I am left with no argument and I wondered if my ego ideal, in the Lacanian sense, was not reviewed.
lines preceded by a> are part of the text "Portrait of a Seducer", the others are the answer, argued point by point.
> Seduction is an art. Both research and know-how,
> subordination to an ideal and empowerment in relation to conventions
> land.
is questionable to say the least, the seduction request * * seem amusing to what will seduce, to * hide * that may be unpalatable.
> For the artist seducer's ultimate end is not
> Woman, but the Conquest (of women).
yes, no woman likes the seducer.
> It's also all
> myth of Don Juan, whose irreverence toward the social order embodied
> by the conquest of women socially elevated, giving notice to the
> Statue of the Commander to rage in the last act.
irreverence or dependency?
The seducer is childish, he covets the mother, the woman is more socially
high, the more it is the father, the more he enjoys it
> The seducer is
> essentially subversive, like any artist.
Sorry, but for me it's the opposite, the seducer is especially misleading, false.
> The seducer, or subversion by seduction:
> endangering the social order, which postulates monogamy
> (unbalancing the respective powers of gender disadvantage
> obvious male, polygamous) touching for the favors of his Art
> more than one wife.
Monogamy allows attachment, deepening the relationship, love and respect can be born, it is no coincidence that gender equality was born in a monogamous.
A society that accepts polygamy gives man a power, dominance over women is an illusion to maintain strength today to deny a reality to such a reading
fundamentalist and distorted of Islam.
Just like when the church felt that eluded him and his rule was a fundamentalist reading of the Bible and distorted.
> This Art can Or simply called
> psychology, charisma, influence, power, knowledge, love
> human being, and not incidentally interested in the mechanics of
> conquest of the woman as the minister favors
> sex.
rest please enjoy what we do as infant monkey to get there.
> The true deceiver is also a hermit made, which in
> extreme sex happen to women if it is contrary to
> quest requirement.
His requirement is not to love and not be loved, only to please.
As for the hermit, he did not seek the requirement, he sought God, the requirement imposed on him in this quest.
> Presenting himself to the woman deftly-female
> conquer under the guise of a more "sexual" than romantic, it
> is paradoxically less than the latter because of its more distant
> sex drive, less encumbered by the urgency of this something that
> hangs between her legs. It may occasionally be impotent, or
> ignore the carnal act with his conquests, even the
> cat kills a mouse after having driven for the last
> leave the place without eating.
now well seducer: he wants to eat but not hungry, so he puts in the mouth but spit out immediately.
> The seducer instinctively likes to make women mad
> love, but love is rarely lucid and long term because
> basically opposes their interests biological females
> nesting, even when the latter 's expriment
indirectly by a> simple quest for stability seemingly innocuous. But can the do not care
> seducer as well as the hermit, he did ... nothing to celibacy
> life (not pure in his case). He knows he will die one day or
> another, always alone, and that the couple is heterosexual monogamous
> a compromise that provides only the illusion of happiness,
happiness is always an illusion which is unfortunate.
> which
> the seducer, an artist at heart, brain prefers satisfactions
> that its success with ever more challenging targets it provides.
Masturbation What intellectual. "
One might as well say that there are predatory.
But then, there is no equivalent of the archetype of Don Juan or Casanova female but I do not mind if readers can come to me to contradict myself and prove that a + b seducers are not a scourge that male!
Matilda Primavera.
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