Monday, February 21, 2011

Aztec Warrior Holding The Woman In His Arms


Maturing learned
is a state of mind and not just a state of the body.
It is ripe when it does not let itself be frightened by
adversity as well as the difficulty.
Life is harsh. Flee said immature mind.
vie.Lamentons the curse us.
distill some words full of bitterness
about the tragedy of existence.
The mature mind works very differently. The
Life is harsh? Do not flee.
Let us face the obstacle. We'll see.
Why say that everything will go wrong?
We saw many people living out of situations
apparently desperate. How did they do?
As always.
When dealing with that is.
There is always something when searching.
they do not say a priori to test
that comes their way.
That maturity.
keep a cool head in the storm.
not to be deflected by the difficulty.
remain a human being rather than becoming
a persecuted or persecuting

Marie-Bertrand de Hennezel Vergely
A life to give birth to p79
edition: Travel North


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