Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dressy Jumpsuits In Canada

Like I do not like

Acérophobie: Fear of what is sure
Achluophobie: Fear of the dark
Acrophobia: Fear of what is high
Agoraphobia: Fear of crowds
Aichurophobie: Fear of what is sharp
Ailourophobie: Fear of cats
Akousticophobie: Fear sounds
algophobia: Fear of pain
Altomophobie: Fear of altitude
Amatophobie: Fear of dust
Ancraophobie: Fear of wind
Anginophobie: Fear of narrowness
Anglophobia: Fear of what is English
anthropophobia: Fear of man
Antlophobie: Fear of floods
Antophobie: Fear of flowers
Apeirophobie: Fear of infinity
Apiphobie: Fear of bees Arachnophobia
: Fear of spiders
Asthénophobie: Fear of weakness
astraphobics: Fear of thunder
Atélophobie: Fear of imperfection
Atéphobie: Fear of ruin
Aulophobie: Fear of flutes
Auroraphobie: Fear of Northern Lights

Ballistophobie: Fear of missiles
Bacilliphobie: Fear of microbes
Barophobie: Fear severity
Bathophobie: Fear depths
Batophobie: Fear of walking
Batrachophobie : Fear of reptiles
Bélonéphobie: Fear of needles
Bibliphobie: Fear of books
Biennophobie: Fear of slime
Brontophobie: Fear of thunder

Chaetophobie: Fear of hair
Cheimatophobie: Fear of cold
Chérophobie: Fear of gaiety
Chionophobie: Fear of snow
Chrométophobie: Fear of money
Chromophobe: Fear of color
Chronophobie: Fear duration
Claustrophobia: Fear of enclosed places
Climacophobie: Fear of stairs
Clinophobie: Fear of going to bed
Cnidophobie: Fear of insect bites
Coprophobie: Fear of feces
Cristallophobie : Fear of crystals
Cryophobie: Fear of ice
Cyclophobie: Fear of bicycles
Cymophobie: Fear of rough seas
Cynophobie: Fear of dogs

Démonophobie: Fear of demons
Dendrophobie: Fear of trees
Dermatophobie: Fear of skin
Dextrophobie: Fear of what is right
Diabétophobie: Fear of diabetes
Diképhobie: Fear of justice
Doraphobie: Fear of fur

Elektrophobie: Fear of electricity
Eleuthérophobie: Fear of Freedom
Enétéphobie: Fear of pins
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Erémitophobie: Fear of solitude
Ergophobie: Fear of work
erythrophobia: Fear of blushing

Gallaphobie: Fear of things French
Gaméthophobie: Fear of marriage
Géniophobie: Fear of gossip
Génophobie: Fear sex
Géphyrophobie: Fear of crossing bridges
Geumatophobie: Fear of taste
Graphophobie: Fear of writing
Gymnophobie: Fear of nudity
Gynophobie: Fear of women

Haematophobie: Fear of blood
Haptophobie: Fear of touch
Harpaxophobie: Fear of thieves
Hédonophobie: Fear of pleasure
Hodophobie : Fear of travel
Homichlophobie: Fear of fog
Horméphobie: Fear of shock
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
hygrophobic: Fear of moisture
Hypégiaphobie: Fear of responsibility
Hypnophobie: Fear of sleep

Idéophobie: Fear ideas

Katagélophobie: Fear of ridicule
Kathisophobie: Fear of sitting
Kénophobie: Fear of empty
Keptophobie: Fear of flying
Kinétophobie: Fear of movement
Koniphobie: Fear of dust
Kopophobie: Fear of fatigue
Kypophobie: Fear stoop

Lalophobie: Fear of speech
Leukophobie: Fear of white
Lévophobie: Fear of what is left
Limnophobie: Fear of lakes
Linonophobie: Fear of string
Logophobie: Fear of words
Lyssophobie: Fear of madness

Mastigophobie: Fear of flogging
Méchanophobie: Fear machinery
Métallophobie: Fear metals
Météorophobie: Fear of meteors
Mnémophobie: Fear of memories
Monophobie: Fear of one thing
Musicophobie: Fear of music
Musophobie: Fear of mice
Mysophobie: Fear of dust
Myxophobie: Fear mud

necrophobia: Fear of corpses
negrophobia: Fear of Black
Nélophobie: Fear of glass
Néphobie: Fear of unpublished
Néphophobie: Fear clouds
nosophobia: Fear of the disease
Nyctophobie: Fear of the dark

Ochtophobie: Fear of vehicles
Odontophobie: Fear of teeth
Oesophobie: Fear of dawn
Oikophobie: Fear of home
Olfactophobie: Fear of smells
Ommétaphobie: Fear of eyes
Onéirophobie : Fear of dreams
Ophiophobie: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobie: Fear of Bird
Ouranophobie: Fear of heaven

Pantophobie: Fear of everything
Parthénophobie: Fear of girls
Pathophobie: Fear of the disease
Peccatophobie: Fear of sin
Péniaphobie: Fear of poverty
Phagophobie: Fear of swallowing
Pharmacophobie : Fear of drugs
Phantasmophobie: Fear of ghosts
Phigérophobie: Fear of choking
Phobophobie: Fear of fear
Phonémophobie: Fear of thinking
Phonophobia: Fear of speaking up
Pogonophobie: Fear of beards
Poinéphobie: Fear of punishment
Polyphobie: Fear of many things
Potophobie: Afraid to drink
Probophobie: Fear of being afraid
Ptéronophobie: Fear of feathers
Pyrophobie: Fear of fire

Russophobia: Fear of what Russian
Rypophobie: Fear of defilement

Satanophobie: Fear of Satan
Sciophobie: Fear of shadows
Scopophobie: Fear of being seen
Sélaphobie: Fear of lightning
Sidérophobie: Fear of stars
Sinophobie: Fear of things Chinese
Sitophobie: Fear of food
Spermatophobie: Fear of germs
Stasophobie: Fear of 'Stand
Straphobie: Fear of lightning
Stygiophobie: Fear of hell
Syphilophobie: Fear of syphilis

Tachophobie: Fear of speed
Tératophobie: Fear of monsters
Thaasophobie: Fear of staying inactive
Thalassophobie: Fear of the sea
Thanatophobie: Fear of death
Theophobus: Fear God
thermophobia : Fear of heat
Thixophobie: Fear of touch
Tocophobie: Fear of childbirth
Toxiphobie: Fear of poison
Traumatophobie: Fear of injury
Trémophobie: Fear of trembling
Paraskavedekatriaphobia: Fear of the number 13
Tryponophobie: Fear of vaccines
Tuberculophobie: Fear of tuberculosis

Uranophobie: Fear of heaven

Vermiphobie: Fear of worms

Xenophobia: Fear of foreigners

Zélophobie: Fear of jealousy
zoophobia: Fear of animals

And you, what do you fear?

Matilda Primavera.


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