Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cervical Mucus Dries Yellow

God wants man to be happy.
The regrettable gap between two worlds,
atheist and believer, is full of misunderstandings.
It would be wiser to characterize
our modern culture rather idolatrous
as agnostic or atheist.
Indeed just God and Religion
(with a capital "D" and "R" s)
collapse, repressed specifically
in the invisibility of the unconscious that
multitude of gods and religions
(with a "d" and small "r" lowercase)
appear and proliferate, some more perverse
and manipulative than the others.
Any or all would become suceptible
idol today
that is invested with a so
disproportionate, "sacred" with his breviary,
its worship and its rituals.

Moussa Nabati
La Libre Belgique, 15 February 2011


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