Monday, February 28, 2011

Hemocrit Levels In Dogs


I like writing in pen on real paper, pretty cards for fun, to give news, to tell stories without head or tail, to dedicate a poem, I really appreciate you sending me a handwritten letter.
I do since I'm old enough to do without really stopped myself, even if my best friend and I interrupted a regular correspondence was voluminous than 10 years, preferring the telephone a tool in a different style but saves time.
What is the last time I received a real letter?
Ah yes, when a friend went to Marrakech in January and she sent me a postcard!
Like everyone else, it's been years that pass through my mailbox advertising letters, invoices and negative responses to my job search.
To my regret, is writing out of fashion, hoping that it will return one day or another, such as rings ready to wear, hoping to relive it in my lifetime.
I do not absolutely despair of that!
Remember, everyone was ready to throw his old 45 and 33 laps, convinced that nobody would listen to a vinyl in the future.
Today they sell for high prices.
We will have sooner or later raise the fine paper industry, from card making and luxury pen.
So, imagine my surprise my joy, my excitement when last Wednesday, after just a few key turn in a square wooden box, I found this:

beautifully illustrated with a notebook inside a true story:

and although I would not disclose everything, even this:

few words addressed to me and that I must not disclose, even though "I have nothing to hide"

with ultimately a superb signature:

which is that of Tony Mazzocchin who runs the blog:

on the mail-art and easy way to find my links on the right.

He asked me for my address to send me a private message mail, and HE DID IT!

He wrote, he built, he has created!

I'm in heaven!

Matilda Primavera.

Herpes Jock Itch Athletes Foot


Mt 12 33 "To have good fruit, you must have a good tree, and if you have a diseased tree, you will have bad fruit. Because we recognize a kind of tree fruits it produces.

Only "actions" reveal to us.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Antibiotic Injection Acne

very good site for young readers of the Bible. Good
catechetical tool for today.

Baptism Sayings For Cake

The Eucharistic celebration is necessary
for perseverance and radiation
the speaker of the Christian faith communities.
This was even the first generation
long before we have constructed a doctrine
theological basis for the mass
to specify terms,
to account for the presence
which Christians eat
As Jesus fed
the will of his Father.
is what must be able to achieve
some Christians when they meet
the name of Jesus and desire to be in
union with the whole Church

Patience and passion of a believer.

How To Breastfeed Husband


Cervical Mucus Dries Yellow

God wants man to be happy.
The regrettable gap between two worlds,
atheist and believer, is full of misunderstandings.
It would be wiser to characterize
our modern culture rather idolatrous
as agnostic or atheist.
Indeed just God and Religion
(with a capital "D" and "R" s)
collapse, repressed specifically
in the invisibility of the unconscious that
multitude of gods and religions
(with a "d" and small "r" lowercase)
appear and proliferate, some more perverse
and manipulative than the others.
Any or all would become suceptible
idol today
that is invested with a so
disproportionate, "sacred" with his breviary,
its worship and its rituals.

Moussa Nabati
La Libre Belgique, 15 February 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whaat Does The Whit Dot

Acérophile: loves what is sure
Acrophile likes the dark: love which is high
Aichurophile crowd likes: likes what is sharp
Ailourophile: loves cats
Akousticophile: sounds like
Algophile: love pain
Altomophile: altitude
Amatophile loves: loves dust
narrowness Anglophile loves: loves what is anthropophilic
Antlophile loves man: like floods
Apeirophile loves flowers: love infinity
Arachnophile bees love: love spiders
Asthénophile: loves
Astraphile weakness: Lightning
Atélophile likes: likes imperfection
Aulophile ruin loves: loves the flute
Auroraphile: aurora loves

Ballistophile: Missile
Bacilliphile likes: likes microbes
Barophile: gravity
Bathophile loves: loves depths
Batophile : Loves to walk
Batrachophile: loves reptiles
Bélonéphile: likes needles
Bibliphile: loves books
Biennophile: likes mud

Chérophile hair loves: loves gaiety
Chionophile: loves the snow
chromophil loves money: love the color
Claustrophile loves life: love enclosed spaces
Climacophile: stairs
clinophilia loves: loves to go to bed
Cnidophile: love bites
coprophilous: love excrement
Cristallophile: likes crystals
Cryophile: loves ice
cyclophile: loves bicycles
Cymophile: rough seas
Cynophile loves: loves dogs

Démonophile: likes demons
Dendrophile: love trees
Dextrophile skin loves: loves what is right
Diképhile: loves Justice
Doraphile: love fur

Elektrophile: electricity
Eleuthérophile loves: loves freedom
Insect pins likes: likes insects
Erémitophile: loves solitude
erythrophilous: love blush

Gallaphile: love this which is French
Géphyrophile: loves cross bridges
Graphophile: loves writing
Gymnophile: loves nudity
Gynophile: loves women

Haptophile: love touch
Harpaxophile: likes thieves
Hodophile: loves travel
Horméphile haze loves: loves shocks
Hydrophilic: water
Hygrophila likes: likes moisture

Idéophile responsibilities likes: likes ideas

Kathisophile: love seat
Koniphile: love dust
Kopophile: fatigue
Kypophile likes: likes stoop

Lalophile: Speech
Leukophile loves: loves white
Lévophile: loves what is left
Linonophile lakes loves: loves string
logophiles: love words
Lyssophile: madly in love

Mastigophile: likes flogging
Méchanophile: loves machinery
Metallophile: love metal
Météorophile: meteors
Mnémophile likes: likes memories
Musicophile: loves music
Musophile : Love mice
Mysophile: love dust
Myxophile: likes mud

Necrophile: loves corpses
negrophile: Black
Nephila loves: loves
Néphophile novel: Likes clouds
Nyctophile loves the disease: she likes the dark

Ochtophile: likes cars
Odontophile: love teeth
Oesophile: love dawn
Oikophile: loves the house
Olfactophile: smells like
Ommétaphile: love eyes
Onéirophile: love dreams
Ophiophile : loves snakes
ornithophilic: love birds

Parthénophile loves: loves girls
Péniaphile like illness: poverty
Pharmacophile loves: loves drugs
Phobophile ghost likes: likes fear
Phonofile think she likes: likes to talk up
Pogonophile: likes beards
Polyphile punishment loves: loves
Potophile several things: likes to drink
Ptéronophile: loves feathers

Russophile: Russian loves what is
Rypophile: loves dirt

Satanophile: Satan loves
Sélaphile loves shadows: lightning
siderophile loves: loves stars
Sinophiles: likes things Chinese
Spermatophile loves food: germs
Straphile loves: loves lightning
Stygiophile: likes hell
Syphilophile: like syphilis

Tachophile: loves speed
Tératophile: loves monsters
Thaasophile: likes to stay inactive
Thanatophile loves the sea: like death
Theophilus: God loves
Thermophile: likes heat
Tocophile: likes childbirth
Traumatophile: loves injuries
Trémophile: tremble like
Tryponophile: likes vaccines
Tuberculophile: TB likes


Vermiphile heaven loves: loves to

Xenophilus: likes foreign

Zélophile: love jealousy Zoophilia
: love animals

Go, release you, loving you?
We try to find the appropriate word if there is not in the best dictionaries, or in this list.
lists are useful, dicos are necessary, even mandatory, but inventing words it is not forbidden (Well, not yet)!

Matilda Primavera.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dressy Jumpsuits In Canada

Like I do not like

Acérophobie: Fear of what is sure
Achluophobie: Fear of the dark
Acrophobia: Fear of what is high
Agoraphobia: Fear of crowds
Aichurophobie: Fear of what is sharp
Ailourophobie: Fear of cats
Akousticophobie: Fear sounds
algophobia: Fear of pain
Altomophobie: Fear of altitude
Amatophobie: Fear of dust
Ancraophobie: Fear of wind
Anginophobie: Fear of narrowness
Anglophobia: Fear of what is English
anthropophobia: Fear of man
Antlophobie: Fear of floods
Antophobie: Fear of flowers
Apeirophobie: Fear of infinity
Apiphobie: Fear of bees Arachnophobia
: Fear of spiders
Asthénophobie: Fear of weakness
astraphobics: Fear of thunder
Atélophobie: Fear of imperfection
Atéphobie: Fear of ruin
Aulophobie: Fear of flutes
Auroraphobie: Fear of Northern Lights

Ballistophobie: Fear of missiles
Bacilliphobie: Fear of microbes
Barophobie: Fear severity
Bathophobie: Fear depths
Batophobie: Fear of walking
Batrachophobie : Fear of reptiles
Bélonéphobie: Fear of needles
Bibliphobie: Fear of books
Biennophobie: Fear of slime
Brontophobie: Fear of thunder

Chaetophobie: Fear of hair
Cheimatophobie: Fear of cold
Chérophobie: Fear of gaiety
Chionophobie: Fear of snow
Chrométophobie: Fear of money
Chromophobe: Fear of color
Chronophobie: Fear duration
Claustrophobia: Fear of enclosed places
Climacophobie: Fear of stairs
Clinophobie: Fear of going to bed
Cnidophobie: Fear of insect bites
Coprophobie: Fear of feces
Cristallophobie : Fear of crystals
Cryophobie: Fear of ice
Cyclophobie: Fear of bicycles
Cymophobie: Fear of rough seas
Cynophobie: Fear of dogs

Démonophobie: Fear of demons
Dendrophobie: Fear of trees
Dermatophobie: Fear of skin
Dextrophobie: Fear of what is right
Diabétophobie: Fear of diabetes
Diképhobie: Fear of justice
Doraphobie: Fear of fur

Elektrophobie: Fear of electricity
Eleuthérophobie: Fear of Freedom
Enétéphobie: Fear of pins
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Erémitophobie: Fear of solitude
Ergophobie: Fear of work
erythrophobia: Fear of blushing

Gallaphobie: Fear of things French
Gaméthophobie: Fear of marriage
Géniophobie: Fear of gossip
Génophobie: Fear sex
Géphyrophobie: Fear of crossing bridges
Geumatophobie: Fear of taste
Graphophobie: Fear of writing
Gymnophobie: Fear of nudity
Gynophobie: Fear of women

Haematophobie: Fear of blood
Haptophobie: Fear of touch
Harpaxophobie: Fear of thieves
Hédonophobie: Fear of pleasure
Hodophobie : Fear of travel
Homichlophobie: Fear of fog
Horméphobie: Fear of shock
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
hygrophobic: Fear of moisture
Hypégiaphobie: Fear of responsibility
Hypnophobie: Fear of sleep

Idéophobie: Fear ideas

Katagélophobie: Fear of ridicule
Kathisophobie: Fear of sitting
Kénophobie: Fear of empty
Keptophobie: Fear of flying
Kinétophobie: Fear of movement
Koniphobie: Fear of dust
Kopophobie: Fear of fatigue
Kypophobie: Fear stoop

Lalophobie: Fear of speech
Leukophobie: Fear of white
Lévophobie: Fear of what is left
Limnophobie: Fear of lakes
Linonophobie: Fear of string
Logophobie: Fear of words
Lyssophobie: Fear of madness

Mastigophobie: Fear of flogging
Méchanophobie: Fear machinery
Métallophobie: Fear metals
Météorophobie: Fear of meteors
Mnémophobie: Fear of memories
Monophobie: Fear of one thing
Musicophobie: Fear of music
Musophobie: Fear of mice
Mysophobie: Fear of dust
Myxophobie: Fear mud

necrophobia: Fear of corpses
negrophobia: Fear of Black
Nélophobie: Fear of glass
Néphobie: Fear of unpublished
Néphophobie: Fear clouds
nosophobia: Fear of the disease
Nyctophobie: Fear of the dark

Ochtophobie: Fear of vehicles
Odontophobie: Fear of teeth
Oesophobie: Fear of dawn
Oikophobie: Fear of home
Olfactophobie: Fear of smells
Ommétaphobie: Fear of eyes
Onéirophobie : Fear of dreams
Ophiophobie: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobie: Fear of Bird
Ouranophobie: Fear of heaven

Pantophobie: Fear of everything
Parthénophobie: Fear of girls
Pathophobie: Fear of the disease
Peccatophobie: Fear of sin
Péniaphobie: Fear of poverty
Phagophobie: Fear of swallowing
Pharmacophobie : Fear of drugs
Phantasmophobie: Fear of ghosts
Phigérophobie: Fear of choking
Phobophobie: Fear of fear
Phonémophobie: Fear of thinking
Phonophobia: Fear of speaking up
Pogonophobie: Fear of beards
Poinéphobie: Fear of punishment
Polyphobie: Fear of many things
Potophobie: Afraid to drink
Probophobie: Fear of being afraid
Ptéronophobie: Fear of feathers
Pyrophobie: Fear of fire

Russophobia: Fear of what Russian
Rypophobie: Fear of defilement

Satanophobie: Fear of Satan
Sciophobie: Fear of shadows
Scopophobie: Fear of being seen
Sélaphobie: Fear of lightning
Sidérophobie: Fear of stars
Sinophobie: Fear of things Chinese
Sitophobie: Fear of food
Spermatophobie: Fear of germs
Stasophobie: Fear of 'Stand
Straphobie: Fear of lightning
Stygiophobie: Fear of hell
Syphilophobie: Fear of syphilis

Tachophobie: Fear of speed
Tératophobie: Fear of monsters
Thaasophobie: Fear of staying inactive
Thalassophobie: Fear of the sea
Thanatophobie: Fear of death
Theophobus: Fear God
thermophobia : Fear of heat
Thixophobie: Fear of touch
Tocophobie: Fear of childbirth
Toxiphobie: Fear of poison
Traumatophobie: Fear of injury
Trémophobie: Fear of trembling
Paraskavedekatriaphobia: Fear of the number 13
Tryponophobie: Fear of vaccines
Tuberculophobie: Fear of tuberculosis

Uranophobie: Fear of heaven

Vermiphobie: Fear of worms

Xenophobia: Fear of foreigners

Zélophobie: Fear of jealousy
zoophobia: Fear of animals

And you, what do you fear?

Matilda Primavera.

Katydids Turtle Candy

Life tulmutueuse halls station (3)

"A train station is the best place for a reunion, because it is normally the place of separation. In finding themselves at a station, it seems to ward off bad luck. "

Daniel Poliquin

"The time we lost the time we hugged the time we train we train Time."

Jacques Prevert

"I'll tell you a great secret: I do not know about the time you like. I do not know about you I'm pretending. Like those long on a station platform waving his hand after the train went off the wrist and the weight of tears again. "

Louis Aragon

"Think before wandering to unite our heads - we have lived alone, separated, lost - and that is a long time, and that's great, the world - and we could not meet us. "

Paul Geraldy

"And I let him go. I could hand out of my coat. I could surround him with my arms. I could keep him around until the train has left the station. It was not difficult. I could just hold him, squeezing my arm so hard that no one dared to remove it from my grasp. "

Kate Walbert

"If you live near a train station, it changes life completely. It seems to be passing. Nothing is ever final. One day or another, we boarded a train. "

Patrick Modiano

Matilda Primavera.