It is delicious autumn days made convection sweet and caressing breeze. These are the expected conditions by spiders of all sorts to let slip the sandstone of a stream of air a long thread of silk, until the lift it allows them to go with the wind.
Luckily, the sky is perfectly clear, and it is a deep blue that people of a magical multitude of setae invisible, betrayed by the reflection of the sun slipping on their aerial undulation:
By hiding the sun with a fireplace, I can leisurely contemplate this amazing spectacle. A gentle breeze carries these son from east to west, very slowly. River subtle, from observation of distracted, his score down quietly in the soft tissue thickness of the lower troposphere. Reflections reveal son floating hundreds of meters, and certainly more. Their lazy ripples are sometimes disrupted by rare ascending bubbles of thermal origin. Near the position of the sun, an intense scattering reveals more bodies floating in the ocean air (twigs, pollen, dust, spider son nodes), including the burst of an insect flight vibrios or the wingbeat of a nervous swallow on departure.
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